...the show revolved around a single textual work: The Confessions, a list of 101 short sentences that reads at first as a list, and then as a poem...
In 2011 the exhibition Confessions of an Evil Orientalist premiered on both levels of Gallery Espace in New Delhi, generating a large amount of discussion about Orientalism, Occidentalism, and the common ground between. Originally consisting of contemporary miniature paintings and various installations, as well as hand-coloured digital photographs, the show revolved around a single textual work: The Confessions, a list of 101 short sentences that reads at first as a list, and then as a poem. A comic book titled The Evil Orientalist was passed out free during the opening. Later, portions of this exhibition became part of the Sleeping through the Museum collateral event at the 2014 Kochi Biennale, and moved in a much abbreviated form to the Obscura Festival of Photography in George Town, Malaysia in 2015. In each manifestation the exhibition retains the original concerns of ethics, entitlement, hegemony, and insider/outsider dynamics that enter into any artist's work when approaching "the Other".